Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sean Hannity vs Al Sharpton Debate (Prt-1)

Duration: 06:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-22 22:42:59
User: StopIslamoFascism
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Sean Hannity takes on the racist revorend Al Sharpton. Part one of two. Featured on Hannity's America every Sunday on Fox News.

GeneralChi ::: Favorites
Three [sics], you're out!
07-09-19 20:01:57
GeneralChi ::: Favorites
I'm a moron why? Because I can spell? Because I am tolerant? Because I am not a brainwashed, diluted Christian?
07-09-19 20:01:32
LoLoBiitches ::: Favorites
GeneralChi also why would a christian wanna protect an athiest and a gay? wouldnt make since would it? and he is blakc thats why he protects blak i dont see rosie or ellen rallying wit the naacp okay back to the video...sean is so stupid he seriously believe diddy doesnt use profane language....what a dumb ass!!!!!
07-09-19 17:45:37
LoLoBiitches ::: Favorites
GeneralChi: biggest moron
07-09-19 17:38:43
GeneralChi ::: Favorites
Sean Hannity: Moron Al Sharpton: Bigger moron
07-09-18 19:39:57
GeneralChi ::: Favorites
If Al Sharpton truly cared about making America an "even playing field" he should really be helping Gays, Native Americans, and Atheists. They are the ones who are truly at a disadvantage in the US, not Blacks.
07-09-18 19:38:18
TrueLeadership ::: Favorites
First of all, it's common knowledge that Mormons are usually bigoted polygamyst psychopaths But the good reverend was likely referring to the longstanding religious dispute fueled by Mormons insistence that they are a Christian religion, when the Book of Mormon has all that wacked out psycho crap in it. So, Christian America would be less likely to vote 'Mitt' in 08.
07-09-18 02:13:52
JakeandElwoodBlues ::: Favorites
Al Sharpton is a racist, ignorant bitch. If he's so much for equality why did he insult Mormons by saying that he KNOWS this country won't elect a Mormon President i.e. Mitt Romney?
07-09-17 21:40:34
robyyo ::: Favorites
couple of fools
07-09-15 00:19:23
tronathalon ::: Favorites
Whites did not kidnap blacks. You are very ignorant, blacks sold other blacks to white people and by the way the only ones using that word nowadays are blacks. Ass Sharpton always dodges the question by asking a question. Since he cannot respond intelligently he blames Bush for bringing rap into the White House but can't name any offense of the "N word" used by P-Diddy. He is clearly a bad representative for the black community and black America should realize that.
07-09-13 12:36:48

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