Sunday, August 19, 2007

"Voices in Conflict" staged

Duration: 02:42 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-11 15:42:18
User: MyLeftNutmegger
:::: Favorites

(Wilton-WTNH)_The show must go on and it will do just that in Fairfield County. A Wilton High School play about the Iraq war that was deemed too sensational by school officials, will be seen tonight. Wilton High School students are rehearsing for tonight's performance of "Voices in Conflict." The play, based on soldiers' experiences in Iraq, almost never made it on stage. In March, school officials banned its production saying it was not balanced or appropriate for a high school audience.

Lungyao1 ::: Favorites
Good Job!
07-06-11 16:52:53
lonelygirlI5 ::: Favorites
congrats on going "off broadway." hope it does fairly well.
07-06-11 17:41:17
chrisjames147 ::: Favorites
how long would we have been in Vietnam if the voices of dissent were silenced this easily? for shame on the wilton high school administration for censoring an educational opportunity. kudos to the students who took their play and ran with it straight into the minds of america
07-06-16 19:18:25
art0042 ::: Favorites
Similar silencing went on during Viet Nam, that's why it took so long to end. Had the voices of dissent, reason AND TRUTH not been silenced and demonized since the beginning of Bu$hCO's regime the the US would NOT be in the quagmire we are in now. Not to mention Raygun's actions in Afghanistan and the middle east supporting Osama... American's continue to allow the bush regime to rape and pillage the world, including the USA. Impeach Cheney and Bu$hCo. Exile them to Iraq for life!
07-06-18 16:21:10


Duration: 08:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-11 01:39:00
User: midorinoiro
:::: Favorites


Naruto Chapter 359

Duration: 04:33 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-22 21:54:56
User: 009leosk
:::: Favorites

naruto chapter 359 Sasuke vs Deidara + Tobi

gmer1 ::: Favorites
i enjoyed watching this very much thank you for posting. PS. cant wait to see tobi in shippuden
07-06-28 03:27:12
jorgetanlim ::: Favorites
thx for posting this
07-06-29 09:26:01

kaka skills [ AC Milan 1-0 parma ]

Duration: 00:4 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-22 03:00:45
User: kakaoOo1
:::: Favorites

calcio 2006/2007 milan-parma in sansiro

Ninooo ::: Favorites
07-06-19 20:56:38

Los casting de Supermodelo 2007, al rojo vivo

Duration: 00:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-16 06:42:08
User: cuatro
:::: Favorites

No todo el mundo puede ser una supermodelo. Los casting de Supermodelo 2007, al rojo vivo. No te lo pierdas en cuatro, todos los días a las 21:45 y a las 15:30.

Jack2nd ::: Favorites
lean esto!En 1997 una chica llamada lauren, estaba caminando en un bosque,despues desaparecio de repente nunca nadie la encontro hasta el 2000 cuando otra chica llama Mary encontro su cuerpo y unas marcas en su pecho decian: no era lo suficiente hermosa" y ahora que haz leido esto ella aparecera en tu espejo diciendo que no eres lo suficientemente hermoso y te matara!(por cierto la chica llamada Mary murio poco despues)Para poder salvarte pega esto en otros 5 videos.ESTO ES CIERTO
07-08-16 19:33:25
nuriskater ::: Favorites
y cristina va preciosa con el modelito con el que sube por las escaleras, no? ¬¬
07-08-16 19:33:45
zenkius ::: Favorites
Viva alberic, jajaja. Xq yo lo valgo!
07-08-17 07:49:02
irvanae ::: Favorites
niñata como te van a coger con esas pintas de garrula...a llorar a casa
07-08-17 17:18:19
shawndesman ::: Favorites
<b>Hallo!!! In welchem Wald wartest Du?? So eine geile Schlampe möchte ich nicht ungefickt lassen!!!! Wenn Du also in der Nähe bist...!!!! Führe Dich auch gerne vor!!!! Nur eine transparente Bluse und ein knappes Miniröckchen drüber und dann ab in die City!!!! Hello!!! In which wood you live?? Such a Cunt not wanna be unfucked! If you be not far away from me....Want to go like a dog with you! Only See-Through Tops and Miniskirts and then walkin downtown!</b>
07-08-18 03:16:08
BenjiAlfonsoGogeta ::: Favorites
que asco me dan las putas de cuatro
07-08-18 05:40:11
PASSIONERA23 ::: Favorites
EL kum eres un capuyo matinal de verdad as vergüenza y si eres estilista no se donde as estudiado pero vamos eres de lo mas hortera y cutre
07-08-18 11:12:56

24 Season 5 Deleted Scene 2

Duration: 01:01 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-12 14:24:25
User: ea186
:::: Favorites

7AM - 8AM Jack abducts Derek and calls Diane.(Original Version)

24onBauer ::: Favorites
07-03-30 21:47:10
Ricortello ::: Favorites
lol this is not a deleted scene
07-05-25 01:20:07
ashlasoccerchickc ::: Favorites
The best college girls on cam @ CAMSUNIVERSITY . COM !
07-08-05 23:24:11

Back from Launnie PART 1

Duration: 07:55 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-27 08:57:55
User: Blunty3000
:::: Favorites

About the trip to launceston - the mac you saw in the last viddy - Katz's and my plans for the future...

darkxero01 ::: Favorites
American Steak is better
06-08-31 16:31:11
sonolamiacanzone ::: Favorites
OMG i am so happy for you! this rocks!!! huggles
06-08-31 22:05:37
AtchPee ::: Favorites
Well moving from NJ to VA we used a moving service who were great... Just make sure you label each box specifically of the contents because a lot of boxes usually never get unpacked.
06-09-01 01:45:51
ellgat ::: Favorites
best moving tip? as you know, get rid of a lot of stuff that you don't use. You do well in front of the camera. Nice voice, and you look awesome with that beard.
06-09-08 18:01:00
ughletmesignupalread ::: Favorites
Irish beef beats all!
06-09-09 18:29:46
blahblah92187 ::: Favorites
Get a uhal.
07-02-06 12:20:45
wezasulz ::: Favorites
gd luck moving
07-05-23 15:30:03
BigRedorangutan ::: Favorites
i dont really like macs that much they always get broken or freez up - but wat comp doesnt, am i right
07-07-02 06:37:47
Popupkille ::: Favorites
You cant sell your arcade machine. I realize that this video is old, but none the less.
07-07-22 08:41:40
QuinShiFilms ::: Favorites
You are so smitten. You are in mid smit.
07-07-27 19:31:48

Evolution Gives Orton The Boot

Duration: 06:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-18 22:56:49
User: mraynes50858rgg
:::: Favorites

The ending of the Summerslam 2004 Rematch Randy Orton vs Benoit. And the post match beating courtesy of Triple H, Batista, and Ric Flair.

Wakochenko ::: Favorites
This was the best thing evolution ever did.
07-08-08 21:00:51
SlipKnoTWWEWOEBI ::: Favorites
poor randy
07-08-09 12:19:13
Oscy ::: Favorites
Exactly, the US champion. The best wrestler in the industry, alongside Kurt Angle, was in the US title tier.
07-08-10 11:18:26
KURAU76 ::: Favorites
orton is gonna beat cena at summerslam
07-08-11 04:54:10
alwayzstuntin ::: Favorites
r.i.p. benoit
07-08-11 16:27:28
theajinator11 ::: Favorites
he's a wife killer and aq kid killer
07-08-13 01:41:41
jusifer ::: Favorites
Chris Benoit is in HELL..
07-08-14 10:53:23
123Jeffhardy4life123 ::: Favorites
i hated rick flair he did nout i hate evo luchion its well bettert now they hav split up
07-08-16 19:11:08
burritoboy123 ::: Favorites
rip benoit my ass he is in hell
07-08-18 09:47:34
alwayzstuntin ::: Favorites
screw all u haterz he was still a good wrestler
07-08-18 23:19:28

Captain ClusterF@#k

Duration: 01:21 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-01 00:38:56
User: MyLeftNutmegger
:::: Favorites

More Lieberman, Fort Lewis memorials.

La opinión de Iñaki Gabilondo. Noticias 4, 21:00h, Mier. 16

Duration: 02:51 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-17 11:22:43
User: cuatro
:::: Favorites

"Un accidente tremendo, milagrosamente sin victimas. Sin duda un despiste, pero hoy les vamos a hablar de otro accidente, que ha provocado cinco muertos de una misma familia, dos de ellos niños de muy corta edad"

4891397 ::: Favorites
Por aki lo q pasa esq postea muxa gente faxa... Iñaki es el mejor!!!
07-05-19 17:30:42
LauravsLaitaine ::: Favorites
Amos a ver, mozuelo (o mozuela). Por lo que dices veo que no ves el telediario, es más, que ni siquiera has visto este vídeo. O eso o tienes un poco de falta de comprensión oral. Este señor critica lo criticable, de izquierdas y de derechas. Y para el Imestanza de abajo, ¿qué coño tiene que ver seguir un moelo de informativo americano con Bush? Si Bush ni siquiera sabrá lo que es un telediario. El cas es que este tipo de telediario se llama americano, si no te gusta, llámalo X.
07-05-20 11:04:36
suprero ::: Favorites
si ahora me vas a decir tu que el cerdo este es imparcial... me parece que el/la que no ve los telediarios eres tu o ves/lees solo medios del PRISOE...
07-05-20 14:05:05
suprero ::: Favorites
te felicito eres un democrata con todas las de la ley el que no es un sociata es faxa muy bien majo ala ahora coge y busca mas videos del iñaki este y te los ves/crees todos al pie de la letra.. subnormal profundo
07-05-20 14:08:51
4891397 ::: Favorites
07-05-20 14:11:29
LauravsLaitaine ::: Favorites
Imparcial no, es una persona con sentido común, cosa que nos falta a tí y a mí. Decir que yo me informo de TODOS los medios de comunicación, hasta de aquellos de los que están manipulados de verdad(ej Telemadrid) o de esos populistas(ej Antena 3), porque así saco mis propias conclusiones de todos ellos y no me comen la cabeza. Pero en fin, si en vez de este tipo de telediarios del siglo XXI preferís el NoDo, ya sabéis a quién tenéis que votar y qué cadena tenéis que ver.
07-05-20 14:50:17
skoert ::: Favorites
no se supone que los informativos deberian ser imparciales¿?...aqui se ve ( a mi juicio ) quien esta peor parado y ataca como puede.. ( opinión )pero me parece lamentable el canteo que es 4 ( mayor, exageradamente al de cualquier otra cadena), en fin, por algo no lo veo ( friends y ya ) XXDD
07-05-20 16:27:17
LauravsLaitaine ::: Favorites
Jajaja friends y ya dice xD. La verdad, nos acaloramos mucho a la mínima por tonterías eh? En fin, yo ya he dicho lo que pienso, y ya está, quien quiera que vea 4 y quien no que no la vea.... joder, si es que ahora estamos todos con las broncas de críos que tienen el PP y el PSOE...Pues eso, be friends xD
07-05-21 04:58:32
MJaniraM ::: Favorites
Gabilondo faxa? Busca en el diccionario la palabra faxa y luego utilizala, o sino informate mas de los ideales de iñaki ..¬¬
07-05-22 14:29:53
curumbele ::: Favorites
Gabilondo es el mejor... llevo toda la vida escuchandole en la radio, y el tio critica todo, sea cual sea la ideología. Cuatro es una cadena marcadamente de izquierdas, pro psoe, es algo que sabemos todos. Por ello no entiendo por que rasgarse las vestiduras. Quien sea de derechas obviamente pensara que la informacion se manipula. Obviamente yo no pienso así. Pienso que, bajo una ideología concreta, cuenta las cosas como las ve. MI IDOLO ES GABILONDO Y MI CADENA PREFERIDA, LA CUATRO
07-06-24 10:39:18

Lieberman votes for more war

Duration: 01:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-27 19:13:44
User: MyLeftNutmegger
:::: Favorites

(3/27/07) (Via Think Progress) On the Senate floor, Lieberman makes some of his strangest gyrations yet on why americans should be involved in a civil war--even if it isn't. Or something. Lieberman then voted for more war.

FREEDOM474 ::: Favorites
Joe needs to trade places with one of our troops!
07-03-27 22:13:16

Celebrations in San Siro part 5 [[ AC Milan ]]

Duration: 10:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-16 23:58:05
User: kakaoOo1
:::: Favorites

Final Athens 2007

intermilanboy ::: Favorites
ac milan suks intermilan rulz
07-07-23 15:45:55
kopman5 ::: Favorites
PLEASE DON'T READ THIS you will die in seven days if you don't post this comment on 10 videos in the next hour. if you do, tomorrow will be the best day of your life
07-07-30 16:40:10

Worst Person in the World: George Bush

Duration: 02:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-02 23:16:52
User: MyLeftNutmegger
:::: Favorites

Bush commutes the sentence of Scooter Libby. Can it get any more blatant? #2 Sean Hannity #3 Joe Lieberman

mikiturner ::: Favorites
Get the popcorn ready for tomorrow night; can't wait!
07-07-03 00:57:21
erik28com ::: Favorites
Right on Keith. It's time for impeachment.
07-07-03 08:48:43
unknownunknowns ::: Favorites
On what charge?
07-07-03 21:12:02
erik28com ::: Favorites
Lets start with breaking the law on wiretapping. And it's a fact that the law was broken not an opinion. There was a law called FISA. He violated it. If he didn't like the law he should have pushed congress to change it (they did BTW with the Patriot Act).
07-07-06 04:55:52
unknownunknowns ::: Favorites
Then, what part of FISA did he break?
07-07-06 13:18:29
erik28com ::: Favorites
The part that says you must get a court order before wiretapping. See that was put in place after finding out for decades the FBI had been spying on thousands of americans like Martin Luther King. It also follows the idea that the different branches of government check each others power so we don't have tyranny.
07-07-09 14:39:20
unknownunknowns ::: Favorites
OK but you don't have to get a court order if it comes from a foreign power. So where did Bush violate FISA, again?
07-07-09 19:01:55
erik28com ::: Favorites
It amazes me people who argue so strongly in favor of something yet demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge on the subject. Type NSA Wiretapping at google. Read the whole thing. This is not about tapping "foreign powers."
07-07-12 08:33:37
winklestraat ::: Favorites
Lieberman is a fear monger, hannity is just a neocon nerd and bush, yeah it is time keith brought up bush leaving office whether by resigning or impeachment, i don't care, i just want them out. Looking VERY forward to tomorrow night!!!
07-07-03 09:52:21
jbfirstdown22 ::: Favorites
Kieth Olbermann for president. He's got my vote. Actually right now anyone who isnt republican has my vote. Go even further anyone but Bush, Cheney or anyone in his administration has my vote.
07-07-07 05:38:47


Duration: 04:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-22 11:27:50
User: midorinoiro
:::: Favorites

だから尿の道が炎症を起こすんだ。 エッチまで行ったかどうかは定かではないけども。


Duration: 11:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-12 20:20:43
User: midorinoiro
:::: Favorites


inchhh ::: Favorites
また東京で放送してくれへんかな・・・ 朝っぱらから最高やん! thank you up loading!
07-07-14 09:02:54
mokutaroh ::: Favorites
07-08-04 08:49:21
honeygogogo ::: Favorites
チュートも好きですが須知さんも大好きなので 私服の最近の映像が見られて嬉しかったです。 ありがとうございます。
07-08-05 09:45:24

Lady Alma - Stop Wasting Time

Duration: 05:57 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-27 06:56:01
User: phunkydiskoboy
:::: Favorites

Philly's very own, Lady Alma, doing what she does best!

RNC's Ad In Ohio

Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-17 10:04:01
User: thehotline
:::: Favorites

The RNC's latest IE ad in Ohio, entitled Scandal

drprestwood ::: Favorites
lies are awesome
06-10-20 14:44:54

Olbermann on O'Reilly, the disgrace

Duration: 02:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-24 20:40:48
User: MyLeftNutmegger
:::: Favorites

(2/23/07) Keith opines.

Darklogic112358 ::: Favorites
Yes, very convenient. As I said, quantitively Bill O'Reilly IS beating KO. There is no debating that. What is up for debate is the intellectual capacity of the viewers he appeals to. And unfortunately no such studies like this have been conducted as of yet.
07-07-28 13:13:52
Darklogic112358 ::: Favorites
"Whatever you want to do to make KO look like he's not being beaten by BO in viewership." Your logic seems as infallible as Bill O's himself: if more people buy into it, then they must be right. Reminds me of when O'Reilly falsely slandered the intellectual capacity of John Stewart's viewers, calling them stoned slackers. A study released by the Annenberg Public Policy Center showed John Stewart's show to be one of the most intellectually charged, in spite of his inferior numbers to Bill'O.
07-07-28 13:17:12
Darklogic112358 ::: Favorites
annenbergpublicpolicycenter dot org Search 'Daily Show'
07-07-28 13:20:11
InvestigatorDave ::: Favorites
By extension, (extension of your theory, for which there is no study to support) then we should probably bring back the good old days when one had to take a test in order to allowed to vote. That way only the "smart" ones would get to vote. Would that make you happy?
07-07-28 19:55:50
Darklogic112358 ::: Favorites
Wow. It's like you read my mind...I think Bill O' has a dumber constituency, therefore: I believe in persecuting those who are not intelligent, and taking away their constitutional right to vote. I applaud your ability to come to this conclusion, regardless of whatever skewed logic got you there.
07-07-28 21:02:23
InvestigatorDave ::: Favorites
Well, if we're not going to count the viewership of "dumb" people in the ratings, then why would we want to count their votes in elections? Perhaps you don't care for the analogy. Fine. I'll just await the study showing that KO's viewers are more financially successful and more educated -- which by extension, would make them more "worthy" of being counted against BO's poor & dumb viewers. What would be the appropriate ratio to give you the desired outcome? 2:1? 3:1?
07-07-29 12:26:02
Darklogic112358 ::: Favorites
Lol. Still a competition over the number of viewers? I'm passed that. Bill O' gets more viewers, thus has a larger and more successful show. But the intelligence of the viewers he appeals to is directly related to the crap that spews out of his mouth. This isn't a matter of converting intelligence into a quantity, its merely a truth about the quality of either show, and the viewers that consequently watch it.
07-07-29 18:02:31
InvestigatorDave ::: Favorites
"This isn't a matter of converting intelligence into a quantity, its merely a truth about the quality of either show, and the viewers that consequently watch it." Or it would be . . . if there were any data to support such a theory.
07-07-30 07:37:37
Darklogic112358 ::: Favorites
Yes, what a disappointment. No data. I'd bet on the outcome if such data was gathered, as I'm sure you would also, though until then anything is mere speculation.
07-07-30 08:09:47
joshsirjoshules ::: Favorites
My God, how does this man have a job? Anyone else would've gotten pulled off the air after making such a comment. Bill Mahr got his show pulled after calling the terrorists "courageous," Don Imus gets his show pulled after calling that basketball team a bunch of "nappy headed hoes." Those were all instances in which it was just the one comment, yet Bill spits them out on a daily basis. How does he still have a job?
07-08-18 02:40:17

Więcej optymizmu, Polacy!

Duration: 01:22 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-13 20:51:38
User: macdac
:::: Favorites

Prezydent wzywa, rodacy powinni się zastosować, a więc...

grozza ::: Favorites
lol rozwalilo mnie to jak cymanski prawie wywinal orla na schodach xDD
06-10-02 14:55:40
grzebien44 ::: Favorites
ciekawe. łuuuuuu jest the best
06-11-03 06:31:10
blooregardine ::: Favorites
mogę to oglądać godzinami :D Always look on the bright side of life XD uwielbiam ironię
06-11-19 16:53:36
theTeabag ::: Favorites
fajny filmik A tak swoją droga, przeraża mnie, że ludzie w tym kraju budują swój swiatopogląd na opiniach zasłyszanych w Majewski Show. Ja to nazywam Murdoch'izacja kultury tj kilku oligarchów medialnych jest w stanie narzucić milionom ludzi jeden sposób myślenia.
07-01-14 21:30:06
pidzamapornoo ::: Favorites
hehe no fajny filmik dziewczyna z transparentem (chyba demonstrowala o prawa dla zwierzat)jest najlepsza. Polacy uśmiechajmy sie wiecej bo wtedy bedzie sie nam lepiej razem żyło :) ciao :)
07-02-15 18:25:51
kprzewozny ::: Favorites
Bardziej obawiam się Rydzykizacji.
07-03-07 08:54:21
pawelgkm ::: Favorites
łuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :o :D
07-06-29 17:22:55
zuzia94 ::: Favorites
Przeżyłam wstrząs, oglądając UŚMIECHNIĘTEGO Giertycha. To on w ogóle wie, co to uśmiech? A tak w ogóle to zajebiste!..
07-07-27 07:56:31
sledznumer41 ::: Favorites
Marcinkiewicz wymiata! Szkoda, że już nie jest politykiem, bo był najfajniejszym politkiem z nich wszystkich...
07-07-30 12:04:35
brytanlodz ::: Favorites
a kto każe ci słuchac jego radyjka ? babunia ? :D
07-08-04 01:34:46

Jon Stewart on Bill Moyer's Journal

Duration: 05:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-28 23:32:35
User: MyLeftNutmegger
:::: Favorites

(4/27/07) Talking about McCain.

nicefrigginrack ::: Favorites
here's a hint for you: when you sound like a conspiracy theory paranoid nut then people tune you out. you have the person you like and everyone else is evil and out to get us. riiiiiiiiiggggggggghhhhhhhhht.... get some medicine for yourself.
07-06-02 06:53:25
immanent ::: Favorites
and heres a hint for you: no one takes you serious when you don't utilize the facts. I noted Thompson was on the CFR, a haven for exploitation of the poor across the globe. Heard of Rick Perry and what he wants to do to Texas? Probably not. Because if you knew what me and a lot of people know about corporate influence and lobbying, you'd probably detest most politicians. Bolivians having to pay 25% of their income to a California corporation for clean water? Yeah...
07-06-02 10:16:19
nicefrigginrack ::: Favorites
there's enough democrats in power that love to indite and send conservatives to prison so why isn't thompson in jail for all the evil you seem to know of? the reason is because he clearly hasn't broken any laws because if he had, then more powerful people than ding-dongs on youtube would know of it and be doing something about it.
07-06-03 15:45:17
nicefrigginrack ::: Favorites
i really don't have a lot of faith in most politicians so if your point is that thompson isn't an angel then big deal. none of the people that want to be president (or any other office) are either.
07-06-03 15:45:38
tizzy741 ::: Favorites
you-tube DEPLETED URANIUM AS A WEAPON.before you vote see the price our soldiers are paying !!! and see why we need to stop this war.see what the MEDIA !! wont show you MUST SEE !! effect's us all
07-06-04 06:41:37
arikur ::: Favorites
07-06-15 12:30:21
knavalesi ::: Favorites
It was very sick of McCain to defend the war by pretending to speak for the troops. In a way, it doesn't matter what the troops believe, all that matters is their welfare. McCain lost my respect as a human being in that interview.
07-06-17 16:21:49
headbutt34 ::: Favorites
Attn. America: JEWS have taken over your media. THEY own/ manage nearly everything you hear, read, or watch. Read 1984. We're getting closer and closer folks. Constant warfare. Centralized power. A few hands controlling most of what you know about the world. Stand up for Liberty/ Freedom. Fuck partisanship.  Fuck our media. Stop buying into all of it. Start tearing it down.
07-06-30 14:52:55
abbazabba12345 ::: Favorites
Yeah read 1984. If you read it with an analytic and rational mind you will realize that Orwell uses Goldstein, the symbolic Jew who is being used by the party as a scapegoat for the problems in society, as an allegory to criticize this idea of a Jewish Conspiracy that is so prevalent in our society. Who really owns the media? Simple. Capitalists of any religious creed.
07-07-20 01:10:17
michelle297136 ::: Favorites
I just saw nice frigginracks name and knew the bullshit would fall out of his mouth. It used to be a conspiracy "theory" but now it is just known to be a conspiracy. If you dont know this yet then YOU need to get some medicine because you are the one who is either insane or in denial.
07-07-23 22:58:16

skills pirlo - kaka [ AC Milan - PSV ]

Duration: 00:51 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-04 03:28:11
User: kakaoOo1
:::: Favorites

Friendlies 2007/2008 Penalty AC Milan 3-4 PSV

donutking123 ::: Favorites
first comment. good video.
07-08-04 14:10:17
cmqd ::: Favorites
07-08-04 16:14:52