Sunday, February 24, 2008

Un enfant triste (original song) (compo)

Duration: 03:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-28 15:34:14
User: SimplyDavid42

enfant | triste | chanson | compo | composition 


Salut YouTube / Hey YouTube ! Voici une nouvelle chanson, écrite en aôut 2007. Enregistrée la semaine dernière ! Faites tourner si vous aimez :-) Here is a new song, written in August 2007. The title means "a sad child". Recorded last week ! Enjoy, and if your like it, pass it all around :-)


peacetutu  2008-02-23 05:55:20

Magnifique Merveilleux Extraordinaire
mathilde6213  2008-02-22 07:32:50

wahoooo encore une superbe chanson !!! franchemen ton talen mérite tp de persé !!! franchemen i a pa de pb jfé tourné ta chanson !!! jadore tt ske tu fé !!! é lé texte sn ..... wahoo !!!! gro bisx a toi !!! é bravo pr cette superbe chanson !!
LoveBill72  2008-02-16 16:08:11

Juste maginifique, comme d'habitude :-) Je suis contente de pouvoir écouter une de vos nouvelle composition ! Bravo x)
gwigwi49  2008-02-11 07:55:51

Encore une superbe chanson!! Merci!! Je fais tourner sans problème!! bises
freesoulyeah  2008-02-09 20:29:35

ohhh!!makes me cry. really beautiful. a kiss


Duration: 04:34 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-13 07:23:31
User: paulsanchez

fox | news | wedge | car | 


PUSHING THE "WEDGE" FOX NEWS new site thanks to time to get some sleep big day today. yeah its today 4am


RuiFranciscoVieira  2006-12-13 18:35:25

Good luck men, you have my suporte... Regards Rui Vieira
paulsanchez  2006-12-13 07:31:13

Chase the funny man. ha ha. Paul

Guitar Hero 3 Review - Part 1

Duration: 03:13 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-05 16:24:44
User: SkullBallCorp

video | game | guitar | hero | review 




SkullBallCorp  2008-01-29 18:58:50

thats part of reviewing though. WHAT DO U THINK GAME CRITICS DO?
davidmaric  2008-01-29 18:14:30

due you don't even review the game you just talk about wjhat you think about the game good video tho
SkullBallCorp  2008-01-08 20:34:00

my parents got this for my birthday
theblackhedgehog24  2008-01-08 20:10:03

I see the poster for it. You should've waited 'till you got your PS3 for Chrismas so you could've gotten the PS3 verision.
SkullBallCorp  2008-01-07 15:00:46


Pointless Video-Jake Being Hyper

Duration: 00:22 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-27 22:19:12
User: michaelkrumlauf

Mike | Krumlauf | Jake | Mandel | Hyper 


I put up a 22sec video of my bro jake being well.....jake. Thanks to Arin Crumley for helping find the song i used.


crwin419  2008-02-01 17:57:48

i really like the music choice.
michaelkrumlauf  2007-08-07 14:13:57

everything in this video up to 10sec is the Xl2, the last 2 shots are the DVX100a with the anamorphic lens
BrownGoodsGuide  2007-08-07 00:26:09

Which was the canon xl2

Krumlauf's World

Duration: 03:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-29 13:53:28
User: michaelkrumlauf

Mike | Krumlauf | HVX200 | 60fps | Burial 


My first legit video with the HVX200 & P2 Media. I shot every scene but 2 at 60fps with a 180.0d shutter, my scene file settings are not given out so dont ask, i wont tell you. there is one shot at 12fps and the elevator shot is at 24fps. Music by Burial. View the HD H.264 Version at


schecteraxeman17  2008-01-02 01:51:14

you sure you're shooting at 60 fps and not 60i? they're very different. there is a way to achieve smooth slow motion with 60i but it takes more than simply stretching it.
CactusWarrior  2007-12-31 15:35:41

Excellent! You were born to film great things. Kudos to you, we need more people like you, Here comes another subscriber.
michaelkrumlauf  2007-12-29 14:39:48

idk, magic, i guess i know how to use the camera ;)
filmscreen  2007-12-29 14:29:59

what do you do in fcp to achieve such a smooth slow mo effect? i've shot in 60fps at 250 shutter but still cant achieve a smooth look. the footage looks great, btw.
michaelkrumlauf  2007-12-29 14:29:06

thats dude to the HVX's Wide Angle Lens

HV20 Anamorphic Test

Duration: 01:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-19 22:17:21
User: michaelkrumlauf

hv20 | naperville | anamorphic |


just testing things out


wondnaereh  2008-02-06 05:15:15

I do not understand. what is the purpose of adding the Anamorphic lens? what is the desired result? I am going to be buying this camera within the the next few days and would like to know. Thanks! C
michaelkrumlauf  2008-02-04 18:30:59

yep thats the one
WarrenOfficial  2008-02-04 18:09:17

are you using a Panasonic AG-LA7200 Anamorphic Lens Adapter?
sonuxxx  2008-01-28 04:53:52

what f@#%n lens is it?
BlueBlinket  2008-01-22 01:23:57

the hv20 is 43mm so just the two rings should work.


Duration: 05:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-03-07 21:44:54
User: pandaman0529

Yellow | Fellow | Tae | Kwon | Flab 


Ever wonder if there was a solution to video game lead obesity problems... By Yellow Fellow Productions 2006


saraxo24123  2007-04-01 02:02:40

my cousin.=]
CherryLove13  2006-04-27 21:53:55

what would happen if i actually called the number? >> and who won the starwars stick fight at the end during the mortal combat song? XD
fuctp4inxc0re  2006-04-16 22:14:41

haha jeez you guys have uber long credits.. lol i can't believe you 'fought' that whole time xD
vietdorks  2006-04-14 21:49:22

haha sooooo funny. how can i dowload this video?
meaninglesssoul2  2006-04-10 15:15:52

nice vid anthony

Piezo Element Water Jar.

Duration: 00:53 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-22 13:48:11
User: OnychaHazel

piezo | element | Pure | Data | plug-in 


Piezo element taped onto the top of a water jar and running through a delay plug-in on my audio software.


jeffreycollins  2007-10-24 22:53:07

brilliant. I just happen to have a few of those piezo elements lying around. I need to get to experimenting. Oh what an amount of great samples you could get from that. THANKS
reduxphl  2007-10-24 19:54:16

excellent stuff...must try that out at some point.

WoW Pet Glitch

Duration: 03:35 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-06-18 16:48:48
User: pogothemonkey

Pet | WOW | World | Warcraft | Glitch 


Funny glitch i found using your pet in WOW.


XvXGoddessXvX  2008-02-19 20:09:13

i didnt it once, but not pet...i was stuck for like a hour because my health stone. i was i cant even see my body or move. theen auto moved and i only could see the sun and coulds infront of me
MyKillz1  2008-02-14 14:31:11

scottpeter66  2008-02-05 17:56:07

this is good to discover maps
purepownz  2008-02-05 07:15:05

ive done that millon of times u can do it in gultch as well
Sadman35  2008-02-03 09:46:26

do this in umm undercity and it makes ur pet go to alterac mountains

Super Junior-T - Rokkugeo [MBC MusicCore 07.04.07]

Duration: 03:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-21 22:31:58
User: spunkygrrl

super | junior | trot | rokkugeo | 로꾸거 


슈퍼주니어-T - 로꾸거 MBC MusicCore 2007.04.07 Suju! Suju! Suju-T!^^ I love watching these guys perform! They are getting so much more comfortable performing the song that they are getting sillier and sillier! I love it!^^ Lots of fun stuff to look forward to! Like Teukie and Hyukie's little kisses to the camera *dies*, the boys doing their pelvic thrusts *dies again*, Heechul feeling Teukie up *dies a million times*, and of course Heechul and Shindongie mimicing Ivy's "Temptation Sonata" dance. Hahaha! Hyukie almost slipped while dancing too...but he saved himself really quickly. Yeah good performance! Hehehe.^^ CREDITS: mandyquyen's clubbox (full show), spunkygrrl @ + bww2 forum + (cut+upload)


nauyuchi  2008-01-11 00:10:33

ahhh the pelvic dance... wooohooooo
leehuiyee  2007-11-25 07:45:38

they took a bit of the 'U' dance steps!! LoL!! CUTE!~~~
IHEARTDIRU  2007-07-12 21:30:30

Beautiful <3
meshaLL  2007-07-10 20:55:05

OMG. Lol. That was WOW . ALL OVER. OMG. x]
JamiexAi  2007-06-20 17:49:27

hahaha so hott :)

Friday, February 22, 2008


Duration: 04:34 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-29 16:24:32
User: xShanyTizzlex

Lesley | Lulu | Spencer | Johnny | Zacarra 


Jolu Addicted and proud! =D Because johnny and lulu are amazing! Song Goot- Everytime We touch Jolu lovers come take over the world *hehe* no really come join! =] Disclaimer: I own nothing.


Over9my9Head  2008-02-21 11:13:18

i like this better than Cascadas it has emotion Cascadas is just entergetic but i can feel the love in his voice and thats what i love about goot's version
xShanyTizzlex  2008-02-05 21:35:04

thank u all for the comments! =]
vikakigreece  2008-02-05 05:44:15

Love the beginning how you synced the strong piano intro with Johnny playing in the Haunted Star! Excellent!
MelisaHull  2008-01-29 17:22:26

I agree with everyone you did an excellent job with this video it fits them perfectly and is so sweet!
shaneathalovesjohnce  2008-01-29 16:59:00

omg shany. this is honestly the best video you've made so far. the music fits so perfectly with how lulu and johnny feel towards each other. and i love it looked as tho johnny was singing it to her. ha. and at the end when he called her beautiful and they were talking to each other. loved it this is great shany ily pro jolu

CIA, Drugs And Da Economy

Duration: 10:51 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-12 16:01:17
User: Romeo1234567jj8

CIA | Drugs | Economy |


There is evidence that the CIA has funded its activities through the importation and sale of drugs to the American people. Michael Ruppert C.I.A. and DRUGS "Dirty Money" Foundation of US Growth and Empire The Republic VS. Corporate America Learn what happened to a Congressman who tried to fight the corruption. The George Hansen



Drunk Baresik/Richard 3 (animation snippets)

Duration: 00:24 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-03-03 18:55:03
User: gollum42

Billy | Nayer | Show | Pieper | Stop 


2 short stop motion animation snippets. Music from the Billy Nayer Show.


gollum42  2007-08-26 21:36:28

Hahah, exactly. A very addictive song, Chippy Chin! -CAP
germock  2007-08-26 21:33:03

Who can not love chippy chin?, singing it is easy, trying to stop, now thats a challenge.